PacMan Floor:
Using the traditional PacMan arcade game, design a floor layout using these elements. This originally came from an idea Anna had suggested during our initial brainstorming..
Tracy also suggested she like the idea as PacMan 30 year anniversary occurs this year.
Essentially the idea was to somehow create pellets on the floor using stickers or tape, larger power pellets around the pathway, ghosts and fruit... and using blue tape to rope off / accentuate different areas of the floor plan.
I have said from day 1 that I felt this would be a strong idea, so am enthusiastic to do some tests for this.

Some Visual Ideas:
This is the style I was thinking we could try and recreate: (obviously less busy than this ... but in terms of a visual idea).

useful icons:

Space Invader Cut-outs/Stencils:
I initially thought it would be great to get some stencil stickers made up of Space Invader aliens to attach to the glass in the exhibition area, though Mariana suggested that the uni may not be too keen on that.
Though perhaps they could be still used as an idea in some way?

Cassette Tape: (floor direction)
My idea here was to try and incorporate an 80's inspired cassette tape which could potentially sit on front of our refreshment table as a prop (and to hide some unwanted furniture).
A brown "track" - pulled out from the tape ... as if the tape had been pulled out and pulled across the floor, could be a way to help direct traffic flow .... through the exhibition?
Cassette Tape:

Arcade Style Machine:
This is maybe a little bit over the top, but I found that I had an old 80's 'atari' joystick ... and thought it could be an interactive feature of our exhibition.
It works, and I dont care so much if I lose it so I offered it up to the group.
I contemplated with the ideas of making a 'working arcade' for the exhibition, by getting an old tv, building a stand and case for it using wood or mdf and creating an 'old school arcade machine' to house it. The joystick has arcade games loaded in it, so it's a simple plug and play to a TV.
It would be a big task and may be a little OTT even for me, but I thought it was an interesting idea.
This is the game:

Something Like This 'Arcade':

Rubix Cube Structure:
Polly, Alex and Myself have been trying to consider for weeks how to incorporate a working Rubix cube as a prop. This would be difficult we feel, but we spoke about making 27 square boxes and applying the different colours, and making cubes that could potentially be played with by guests, or that would create a 'rubix sculpture' as a feature for the Exhibition.