Thursday, 26 January 2012

Exhibition Considerations and Thoughts...

Considerations Suggested by Mariana:


Have a Strong Theme
-Material we present
-Project we present (support this)

Select Work Carefully

Keep Detailed Checklist

Organise Tasks

Communicate effectively with all members of individual teams and the other teams

Keep track of budget

Communicate with other Departments

Strong Exhibition Design


My Initial Thoughts:

Everybody needs to consider reasonably quickly what work they would like to submit, as if the THEME was to be decided incorporating some elements of the work .... Then we need to have a good idea of what the main styles of work are going to be put forward for the exhibition.

Photos of Everyone. Hire a Nikon D90 from University and book some time in the studio (if still available) - I will ask Tom Scott about this.

Basically to take a high quality portrait of everybody for the show. (Do we want to want to have a related theme in these photos? Do something different within the portraits? Or just straight head shots?)

Money ??? - A decision ideas on how to generate funds .... there should also probably be an allocated treasurer within the exhibition group... Or a team within that Team that deals with the money and payments.

Perhaps once we have a more defined idea of what tasks we need to delegate within the group we can arrange ourselves into smaller teams?

Decision on people we want to invite (industry/media/ etc...) - INVITES for graphics team

Promoting awareness - creating ideas in how to do so

Printing Ideas - Ask Mariana about previous years and where printing was done.

How we want to display/mount our work etc. Are there any display boards etc ... we can utilize?

Refreshments etc ... What? Volume? Budget?

Measuring the space - plan the area - Maybe we can get a floorplan or something from Uni?

Within our seperate groups - organise what tasks best suit our skills and delegate accordingly.


Begin thinking and creating ideas on a theme....

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