Wednesday 15 February 2012

Exhibition Group Meetings

10/2/12: Presentation Pitch Meeting:

The Exhibition Group met and discussed collective theme ideas.

A table of Pro's and Con's were made and all of our ideas were assessed.

The majority of the Group chose "Film" as the theme idea to develop for the presentation pitch.

Collectively we brainstormed potential ideas for this and tasks were delegated to contribute to the Presentation.

Olly: Theme
Elliot: Layout
Anna: Slogans
Kat: Lighting
Helen: Hospitality
Stephen: Plaques
Tracy: Compilation of Presentation Slides

The ideas/designs I came up with have already been published on this blog.

Plaque Ideas: LINK

I also Measured and Drew up a rough 'Exhibition Space' Diagram.

14/2/12: Presentation Final Meeting

Here the group met to read through, double check and practice the presentation.

Tracy and Helen kindly offered to present.

15/2/12: Exhibition Group Organisation

The group met to talk through what everybody was going to be assigned for the week.

I was asked to begin contacting local newspapers, research advertising and creating awareness.

Points Discussed:

ARU (Health & Safety, IT, Catering, Security, Marketing)


Guest List





General Marketing

Local Radio


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