Thursday 2 February 2012

Crazy Cat Person...

Business Card Idea 2:

I am a little bit obsessed with my Siamese cat.

While thinking about trying to design an idea for my business card I started drawing an illustration idea based on my cat..

My initial idea was to create this design for a company branding. I have long considered that if I were to set up my own design company I would call it 'Sneaky Design' ... And my cat to me is the epitome of sneakiness.

Anyone familiar with the habits and personality of a Siamese Cat would completely relate to this. Plus the siamese has a reputation of clean, elegant, sleek, regal qualities which I feel relates to design.

So I began, as always to draw some ideas for a logo in pencil, scanning them and using Illustrator and Photoshop to manipulate the drawings...

Here are some of the ideas; this is still a work in progress, but I wanted to put some potential ideas up. I am still currently experimenting with textures, typography and colour.

Name Ideas:

'sneaky', 'sneaky design', 'siamese design' (taken .. grrr), 'siamese', 'boy siamese', 'half siamese', 'go siamese', 'ok siamese', 'evil cat', 'crazy cat', 'crazy cat design', 'quirky', 'siamese cream', 'cats eye', 'cat-i' 'curious design', 'curiosity',

Original Pencil Drawing:

Re-drawn in Pen:

I then cut the drawing in half and re-drew the lines in order to create a better symmetry within Photoshop.

Then from here I basically used this design idea to attempt to create some different card styles.

I have 100 versions of drawings, scans and traces .... But I'm sure you get the idea

Textured Background:

Business Card Size:

Different Rough Texture Idea:

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