Tuesday 7 February 2012

A Monday Stroll in Hoxton...

I was meeting a friend at the Strongroom on Curtain Road on Monday, so while I was in the area I thought I would go and have a look at the gallery's suggested in Hoxton.

I know Hoxton Square very well, as I have worked in several Studios in the area and have been to both the Hoxton Art Gallery and White Cube in the past.

Annoyingly these galleries Mariana had suggested were not open on a Monday.

This is my own silly fault for not really planning to go, I didn't check. I just thought as I was there I would look. Monday is the only day I have free right now.

I did though go and have a look in many smaller galleries nearby and took a few snaps along my way... Though most of my pictures are of street artwork I liked. I felt a little intrusive taking pictures inside some of the smaller galleries. Though I was able to gain a sense of style, lighting and potential mounting techniques. My main observation was how spacious some of these small galleries felt, though they were crammed with works. It showed a small space can be used very effectively.

Flickr Photos Link

My favourite place by far was a little gallery on Leonard St. called the Pure Evil gallery. The artwork was amazing. I could have spent a fortune there!!! They had some amazing illustrative work and some inventive ideas in how they displayed and mounted their works. I also particularly like that they had made art out of items such as their CCTV cameras ... dope.

I am planning to view the Paolo Roversi Exhibition at the Wapping Project - Bankside in the next few weeks, as I am a huge fan of this style of work. So I will no doubt have a more successful and "actually planned" trip then.

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